Director's Message
I am excited to support the DOM research portfolio. It is my goal to apply the RAS staff’s extensive sponsored projects management experience to benefit all faculty and research support staff, ultimately increasing applications submitted and awards obtained.
In DOM, we understand the importance of reducing the administrative burden on faculty so they can remain focused on valuable research. Our office assists with pre- and post-award administration of externally funded projects. To provide quality faculty service, we also need to ensure our system and processes internally are effective. Research administrators and faculty must have a collaborative partnership built on mutual respect and appreciation. It is my highest priority to foster these partnerships to ensure the success of DOM’s research endeavors.

Pre-Award Support
To request pre-award assistance for an upcoming proposal, please submit a DOM Intake Form (must be logged into VPN)! Your assigned pre-award administrator will contact you within 2 business days to begin support. Information on our pre-award deadline policy and process can be found on our website.
If you have been working with a Pre-Award Administrator on an existing proposal or outstanding issue, do not hesitate to follow up with them directly.
If you are unsure who to contact about an existing proposal or outstanding issue, please email for support.
Post-Award Support
Upon receipt of eNOA, the RAS Post-Award Administrator assigned to your award will be in contact with you.
If you have been working with a Post-Award Administrator on an existing award or outstanding issue, do not hesitate to follow up with them directly.
If you are unsure who to contact about an existing award or outstanding issue, please email for support.